01/16/2025 | Autodesk Flame AI Automation | Feature | Automation | Automates tasks like keying and camera tracking for artists. |
01/16/2025 | Autodesk Flow Generative Scheduling | Feature | Automation | Automates scheduling for media productions, optimizing resources. |
01/16/2025 | Fusion 360 AI Design Generation | Feature | Automation | Automatically generates product designs optimized for manufacturing. |
01/16/2025 | Blank.AI Generative AI Capabilities | Feature | Automation | Enables conceptual design exploration for automotive industry. |
01/16/2025 | Construction IQ AI Risk Management | Feature | Automation | Predicts and manages construction risks affecting quality and safety. |
01/16/2025 | AutoCAD AI Markup Assistance | Feature | Productivity | Reads markups and recommends context-aware actions for changes. |
01/16/2025 | Autodesk Forma AI Analysis | Feature | Automation | Provides rapid wind, noise, and energy analysis for planning. |
10/17/2024 | Neural Motion Control | Feature | Video | AI-driven character animation using keyframes and neural networks. |
10/17/2024 | Project Bernini | Feature | Automation | Generative AI for 3D shape creation and design analysis. |
09/26/2024 | Redefining Character Animation with AI | Feature | Video | From keyframes to directing performances using AI in animation. |
09/26/2024 | Using AI to ‘Make Anything’ | Feature | Automation | Leveraging AI to enable the creation of diverse products. |
09/26/2024 | Generative AI for Conceptual Design | Feature | Automation | Streamline conceptual design with generative AI in collaboration with Kia. |
09/26/2024 | Deep Learning Using Bifrost for Maya | Feature | Data Science | Getting started with deep learning using Bifrost for Maya. |
09/26/2024 | Extending Autodesk Forma | Feature | Automation | Powerful analysis solutions for AEC industry using AI. |
09/21/2024 | Constrained-Context Conditional Diffusion Models for Imitation Learning | Product | Automation | Diffusion model policy for solving 6-DoF robotic manipulation tasks. |
09/21/2024 | Automated Sequence Planning for Complex Robotic Assembly | Product | Automation | Physics-based planning approach for generating assembly sequences using AI. |
09/21/2024 | Dynamic Compliance Tuning for Industrial Insertion | Product | Automation | Framework for robustly learning manipulation skills using AI techniques. |
09/20/2024 | AI Research Prototypes | Product | Art | Showcasing AI advancements and research prototypes at SIGGRAPH 2024. |
08/07/2024 | LCA Report Analysis with LLM | Service | Text | LLM tool to interpret life cycle assessment reports. |
08/07/2024 | Generative AI for Automotive Design | Service | Art | AI generates automotive design concepts from texts, images. |