01/16/2025 | GenOS AI Workbench | Product | Data Science | Dedicated environment for end-to-end AI application development. |
01/16/2025 | Real-Time Information and Suggestions | Feature | Automation | Provides real-time suggestions during customer conversations. |
01/16/2025 | AI-Powered Document Understanding Tools | Feature | Automation | Extracts and categorizes data from tax forms automatically. |
01/16/2025 | AI-Powered Customer-Expert Matching | Feature | Automation | AI models optimize real-time customer-expert matching and routing. |
01/16/2025 | AI-Powered QuickBooks Automations | Feature | Automation | AI-driven automations for QuickBooks to enhance business operations. |
01/16/2025 | Intuit Assist | Feature | Business | AI-powered financial assistant for tax and financial insights. |
01/16/2025 | Advanced Conversational System | Feature | Text | Provides personalized answers via specialized AI agents. |
01/16/2025 | Agentic AI Tax Code Conversion | Feature | Automation | Automates tax code updates for developer review. |
01/16/2025 | Agentic AI Onboarding Agent | Feature | Automation | Automates business onboarding by populating public information. |
01/16/2025 | Agentic AI Cash Flow Management | Feature | Automation | Automates AR/AP tasks using specialized AI agents. |
01/16/2025 | Intuit Assist | Feature | Automation | AI-powered assistant for QuickBooks automating financial tasks. |
01/14/2025 | AI And SMS Capabilities | Feature | Business | Enhances Mailchimp with AI and SMS for marketing workflows. |
12/18/2024 | AI Business Interaction Automation | Feature | Automation | Automates business interactions using generative AI technology. |
12/18/2024 | AI Tax Expert Identification | Feature | Business | Identifies ideal tax experts using generative AI technology. |
12/18/2024 | Generative AI Financial Recommendations | Feature | Business | Provides personalized financial insights using generative AI technology. |
12/18/2024 | Agentic AI Marketing Automation | Feature | Automation | Automates marketing campaigns using advanced agentic AI technology. |
12/11/2024 | AI-Powered Business Platform Integration | Feature | Business | Integrates Amazon data into Intuit's AI-powered platform. |
12/11/2024 | AI-Powered Financial Insights | Feature | Business | AI-driven insights for profitability, cash flow, tax liabilities. |
11/26/2024 | GenAI Capabilities | Feature | Business | Enhancing products with GenAI for smarter decision-making. |
10/12/2024 | Intuit Tax Advisor | Feature | Business | AI-driven tax advisory services for enhanced tax planning. |
10/12/2024 | Intuit AI-Powered Expert Platform | Service | Business | AI platform for business growth and financial management. |
09/20/2024 | Mailchimp AI Tools | Feature | Business | Creates engaging content and personalises customer experiences at scale. |
09/17/2024 | AI-Powered Payroll Compliance | Feature | Automation | Detects anomalies with AI to catch payroll errors. |
09/17/2024 | AI-Powered Project KPIs | Feature | Automation | Sets AI-powered KPIs with estimated targets compared to historicals. |
09/17/2024 | AI-Powered Financial Insights | Feature | Automation | Automates financial planning tasks using AI for faster decision making. |