01/16/2025 | SIWA Leak Finder | Product | Automation | AI app to detect and reduce water pipe leaks. |
01/16/2025 | Natural Language Document Search | Feature | Text | Search Siemens manuals using natural language processing capabilities. |
01/16/2025 | Automated SCL Code Generation | Feature | Coding | Generates structured control language code using AI in TIA Portal. |
01/16/2025 | Siemens AI Search Solution | Feature | Text | AI-powered search for personalized, contextual user experiences. |
01/16/2025 | Industrial PCs with NVIDIA GPUs | Product | Hardware | Siemens IPCs with NVIDIA GPUs for advanced AI applications. |
01/07/2025 | Siemens Industrial Copilot For Operations | Product | Automation | AI tasks run close to machines for real-time decisions. |
12/06/2024 | AI Algorithms for Imaging Diagnostics | Feature | Image | AI automates imaging diagnostics by categorizing tissues and organs. |
12/06/2024 | AI-Driven Local Power Grid Prediction | Feature | Automation | AI predicts local power grid capacity with limited data. |
12/06/2024 | AI Algorithm for Building Management | Feature | Automation | AI converts building management data into Siemens standard efficiently. |
12/06/2024 | AI-Controlled Robot Gripping Tools | Feature | Automation | AI enhances robot gripping tools with precise object recognition. |
12/01/2024 | AI & Industrial Metaverse Technologies | Service | Productivity | Enhances productivity, efficiency, and performance using AI technologies. |
11/21/2024 | AI-Supported Design Functions | Feature | Automation | New AI-supported design functions enhance Siemens NX software capabilities. |
11/16/2024 | Generative AI For Predictive Maintenance | Feature | Automation | Uses generative AI for predictive maintenance in manufacturing systems. |
11/16/2024 | Siemens Industrial Copilot On-Premises Bundle | Service | Hardware | Offers on-premises hardware-software bundle for data sovereignty. |
11/16/2024 | Siemens Industrial Copilot Agent Concepts | Feature | Automation | Introduces agent-based automation for complex engineering tasks. |
11/16/2024 | Siemens Industrial Copilot Multimodality | Feature | Automation | Enhances Copilot with multimodal input for engineering tasks. |
11/11/2024 | Siemens Industrial Copilot | Feature | Automation | Connects generative AI with TIA Portal for automation engineers. |
11/11/2024 | Embedded IPC Simatic BX-35A | Product | Hardware | Compact device for high-performance AI computing. |
11/11/2024 | Simatic IPC BX-59A | Product | Hardware | High-performance modular Box PC for AI integration. |
11/11/2024 | Siemens Industrial Copilot For Operations | Product | Automation | Real-time operational queries for automation and maintenance engineers. |
11/11/2024 | Simatic Robot Pick AI | Product | Automation | AI-driven piece-picking robot solution for warehouse automation. |
11/01/2024 | AI-Powered Design And Simulation Portfolio | Feature | Data Science | Comprehensive AI-powered design and simulation portfolio for Siemens Xcelerator. |
10/17/2024 | Senseye Predictive Maintenance | Service | Automation | AI-driven predictive maintenance solution for industrial automation systems. |
10/12/2024 | AI-Enhanced Digital Lighthouse Factory | Feature | Automation | Utilizes AI to boost productivity and reduce energy consumption. |
10/08/2024 | AI Algorithms for Production Automation | Feature | Automation | Over 100 AI algorithms enhance production automation and efficiency. |